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Elastic medical neoprene knee sleeve

Elastic medical neoprene knee sleeve
20.40 USD
15.87 USD
Color:  black


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Recommended as a preventive medical aid for fixation, protection and support of the knee bones, ligaments and soft tissue.

Structure of raw material: aeroprene – microporous rubber – 80%, nylon – 20%.


Recommended as a preventive medical aid for fixation, protection and support of the knee bones, ligaments and soft tissue.
Possesses thermal and micro massage influence. Renders fixing and a moderate compression, improves blood supply, stimulates exchange processes in subject tissue, in a skin, in hypodermic fatty cells and muscles. Are used the period of rehabilitation after operations in the field of a knee joint. Protects from various traumas of a joint at impacts and falling, at playing sports and physical activities.


  Size d, cm
1 S 33-36
2 M 36-38
3 L 38-43
4 XL 43-46
5 XXL 46-50


Medical indications for use
For treatment of various diseases: the closed traumas and bruises of a knee joint, instability of a joint, including for preventive maintenance of relapses and activity of the patient, habitual dislocations of upper knee, connected with face-to-face. Chronic damages of meniscuses, the blockade connected to instability of a knee joint.
In the pre- and post-operative period: after removal of a plaster bandage with immobilization of a knee joint. After traumas and operations, during rehabilitation after operations of kneecap ligaments, meniscuses, lateral ligaments of a knee joint, fracture and operations in a zone of a knee joint, dislocations of kneecap/upper knee and tibia -big bones. 
Prophylaxis: at fast weariness of the copular apparatus of a knee joint, preventive maintenance of damages at playing sports, physical activities.

Technique of application:
The knee sleeve can be used as in medical, sports – health improving centres and in-home. To select the size it is necessary, preliminary having measured, a circle of a leg under a patella. The scale by definition of the size is specified on packing of a product. Carry a bandage, putting on directly on a body or a cotton stocking. To put on a bandage for fixing a knee joint it is necessary so that seams on a product appeared directly behind a patella. The bandages ELAST 9903, ELAST 9903-01 and ELAST 9903-02 have the open cap, that gives additional stability to a knee joint in the design. Presence of silicon rings in product ELAST 9903-02 prevent from displacement of the kneecap and stabilizes its position. The forward detail of a product in model ELAST 9911-01 has a protective pillow which reliably protects a knee area from traumas at the raised loading. The model ELAST 9903-01 has demountable spring inserts on each side of the product, which in addition fix a knee joint. The fastener velcro in models ELAST 9903-02 and ELAST 9911-01, located in the bottom detail of a product, allows to fix a bandage, considering an individual structure of a leg. At carrying the bandage causes easy feeling of smartness, but does not hold down movements. The slightest attributes of frustration of blood circulation are a parameter of that the size has been picked incorrectly up and it is necessary to get a knee clamp of the greater size. If the subsequent products using causes discomfort, it is necessary to consult at the attending physician/doctor. As prophylaxis  it is recommended to carry a product no more than 2 hours per day and to remove for the night. Time of carrying of a bandage medical can be increased, but preliminary having consulted with the attending physician. During durable (more than 2-3 weeks) are desirable joint application of a complex of physical exercises for strengthening muscles and a joint. In a complex with physical exercises the maximal result is reached: the pain decreases, the physiological tone of soft tissues is restored. Use of various ointments and creams, but preliminary under the recommendation of the doctor is possible.

Best before – 5 years.

Contra-indications:  to be avoided in case of individual incompatibility with raw material compounds of the article and skin diseases (using under doctor control).

Sanitary-and-hygienic processing:
Bandage is to be worked out by manual washing in a soap solution at temperature from +30°C up to +40°C. Do not apply the powders, containing bleaches, the cleaning with chemical preparations, the structure neoprene collapses from influence of acids, alkalis, solvents, lubricants. It is forbidden wringing out and drying in a washing machine. It is recommended accurate wringing out without twisting and drying of a product in the straightened kind at temperature from +5°C up to +25°C on distance not less than one meter from heating devices. It is forbidden to dry a product on the sun and ironing.

Storage:  The product is to be stored in a clean, dry and ventilated place at a temperature of +10°C to +25°C and relative air humidity 60% to 65%.

Packing:  1 piece.

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